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St Plumbus's finest... er... some halflings, formerly of St Plumbus. |
I've so far painted 16 halflings. This is plenty from which to make up a warband of ten: the headcanon is that Agatha raised a larger number from St Plumbus who travelled with her to the Ruined City, and from that number a group is chosen for that day's expedition. Two dodo "warhounds" are currently on the workbench and I'm still deciding if I'll buy a new mini between games to replace any permanent casualties. Probably - it fits the narrative thing well - unless I end up in a TPK situation which is expensive not just to Agatha's pocket...
They all have what passes for a backstory and motivation, by which I mean a couple of lines of unfunny notes that popped into my head upon seeing the model.
Agatha Grunt - Elementalist (purple hat). Surrounded by a suspicious number of fires as a child and moved regularly from a series of homes which all coincidentally burned down. Utterly chaotic. Never learned anything formally, and instead relies on her base instincts, which are usually to throw a spell at it first and question the act later. Continues to move regularly due to her habit of raising semi-disposable bands of supporters from villages across the Eastmarch. It's hard to do this from the same place twice, once the last group has all failed to return, and saves having to answer awkward questions from surviving relatives. Without an organised bone in her body, but for all that surprisingly sharp, and dangerously powerful.
Belinda Twiglet - Apprentice Elementalist (dunce hat). Not without talent, and brave, but Agatha suspects this is only because she lacks the intellect to adequately recognise danger. While Belinda isn't the best spoon in the stew, and can't read, she is surprisingly observant and certainly is not "thick as shit in a bottle", as Agatha puts it. Agatha offers offers her no respect whatsoever and keeps her around mainly to carry things. Belinda sticks around because she's learning through observation and one day thinks Agatha will make a mistake...
Sir Ephraim Bunion, and his trustee steed Shrub - Captain (knight on a dodo, back row). The third son of a family considered minor nobility several generations ago, adopted the title "Sir" without any formal approval on the basis of some paperwork he drew up himself. Made up his own coat of arms. Refers to the two fields his family farms (rented) as "The Estate". Drinks in The Dodo to avoid bumping into people on the Town Council in the Six Pigs who might ask questions about his title. Spent a lot of money on his Dodo steed, Shrub. Surprisingly competent. Collects Stamps. Definitely isn't based on someone I know who thinks rather too much of themselves.
Arthur Danglesack - Man-at-Arms (sword and shield raised, back right). Brave and enthusiastic but diagnosably stupid. Found a shield on the way home from school which inspired him to seek adventure. Nobody is quite sure how many times he has repeated years at school - at this point the village school is more of a social care setting than it is education, as he needs constant supervision and has proven himself quite incapable of learning - but his mum is very proud of him all the same. Very excited about a "quest", which was a new word to him when he heard it from Nigel.
Nigel Pyle-Carpet - Infantryman (red jerkin, back row). A mid-life crisis writ large and a coward who wishes he was otherwise. Idolises Sir Ephraim: made up his own coat of arms in imitation, but they're even worse. Drinks in The Dodo, where he offers loud opinions on military matters about which he knows very little, but only because it allows him to be close to Sir Ephraim and because the landlord of The Six Pigs grew tired of his bullshit and barred him. Recently divorced.
Barry Casserole - Infantryman (yellow spearman). Placed third in St Plumbus's Got Talent, twice, though there were only two entrants each time. Is coming along on the adventure because he's run out of money to drink and someone (Agatha) mentioned there might be a share of loot he could sell to drink. Surprisingly good with a spear.
(Lord) Horace Wedgington-McCleft (red and blue spearman). Actual nobility with an actual title, but utterly disinterested in it and therefore despised and slightly envied by Sir Ephraim who thinks he shames himself and his class and is a waste of the opportunity. Stinking rich, has never worked, and instead pursued a life of adventure and pleasure. His halberd is a family relic named "Baguette".
Stan Gusset - Archer (left/male archer). Posessed of that rare thing amongst the halflings of St Plumbus: competence. A talented hunter who prior to the quest provided a steady supply of deer to the village. Unfortunately terminally boring.
Margot Nubbin - Archer (right/female archer). Diagnosed by Dr Phlapps as "incomprehensibly, clinically and incurably malodorous" and as such legally required by a Special Act of the St Plumbus Town Council to live "in a well sealed dwelling not less than 500 yards beyond the town boundaries in a down-wind direction". Leads a solitary life hunting. Joined the quest because she wants an excuse to be near Stan.
Benedict Fingers - Tracker (staff and (cross)bow, back row). Afflicted from birth with hair considered "aggressively ginger". The burden of this life-long shame has lead a need to prove himself and to work hard, and he thus has a surprising range of skills. Has adventured before. Incel.
Percy Tosskettle - Thief (red bandana, front left). A strange and deeply unpopular character who is heading out on the adventure to avoid uncomfortable questions due to be put to him by St Plumbus Town Council's Committee on Morality and Lawfulness such as "why were you seen stealing underwear from Mrs Dough's washing line, again" and "what do you intend to do with that worryingly well curated collection of fecal samples from the outhouse pits of everyone in the village?"
Rupert Hands - Thug (witch-finder hat, front row). Generally lacking in redeeming qualities, but very good at hitting things - usually faces. Props up the bar in The Dodo, drinking with Nigel, who he regards as an amusement more than a friend. Bored of seasonal farmhand life and running a vigilante justice group.
Edna Chuff - Thug (rolling pin). Expelled from the St Plumbus Institute of Breadcraft and Biscuitry after kneading the teacher, who had foolishly described Edna's buns as "lumpen". Has since lived a outlaw life of un-sanctioned, off-grid baking, selling discount "bread" in the alleyway behind The Dodo of an evening.
Brenda Stubb - Thief (lantern, blue dress). A thief through necessity, she steals to eat - and is rather good at it. Unremarkable, beyond that, and has gone questing solely because life in St Plumbus has yet to show her any real kindness.
Bertha Squatley - Thief (beckoning finger). At best politely described as "light-fingered". More accurately described as a one-woman crimewave. Unscrupulous. Effective.
Roger Strain - rear left, as yet lacks a role and story. It'll come to me, unfortunately for us all.
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